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Häufig gestellte Fragen (Englisch)

Sie erwägen einen aktiven Yoga-Urlaub bei Healthy Options, aber Sie haben noch Fragen. Die Chancen stehen gut, dass unsere FAQ Ihnen helfen können! Wenn Sie noch Zweifel haben, zögern Sie bitte nicht, uns anzurufen. Wir sind ein kleines Unternehmen, und wir sind stolz auf unseren persönlichen Service. Sie können uns anrufen 072 011 58 54, oder Sie können uns eine E-Mail senden Allerdings sollten Sie die folgenden Fragen prüfen, um zu sehen, ob Ihre Antwort bereits vorhanden ist!

Class information

Which Yoga class is for me?

FLOW YOGA - Flow Yoga is a term given to a style of Yoga where the practitioner moves gracefully from one pose to the next and the class, or practice, becomes almost like a dance. Flow Yoga is also called Vinyasa Flow Yoga.

RESTORATIVE YOGA - For Restorative Yoga, the intention is to relax as far as possible into the postures, using as little physical effort as possible. The mind focuses on the breath in order to cultivate mindfulness and release tension from the body. Restorative Yoga classes tend to be relaxing and slow paced, with a whole sequence using as few as five or six postures which are held for long periods of time. Props are also used often in order to allow the body to be in the most comfortable, supported position possible. This may include bolsters, blankets, blocks and belts.

YOGA NIDRA - In Yoga, Yoga nidra is a meditation practice that induces a state of deep, but conscious relaxation. It is said that Yoga nidra is effective for reducing symptoms of anxiety such as headache, giddiness and abdominal pain. It can be useful for people with post-traumatic stress disorder, as it may help them cope with their symptoms. Our Yoga nidra’s are done at the end of an asana practice, where it has the added benefit of cooling and calming the body, allowing it to absorb the effects of a completed Yoga practice. (Depending on which teacher’s we have working with us, the styles of Yoga on the program may be subject to change, please contact us if you would like to know which types of Yoga will be available during your stay with us?.

Do I need to bring any Mats or Equipment with me for any of the classes?

You will be given a yoga mat towel at your first class which is yours to use for the week (it is washed weekly). We also have meditation cushions, blocks and belts available for your use. There are also a limited number of bolsters and yoga chairs available for those requiring further modifications of asanas. The only items you may wish to bring for yoga are an eye bag and shawl for the relaxation.

For all the other classes all necessary equipment is provided, however we recommend bringing your own sweat towel for the fitness classes and if you wish to monitor your heart rate in the cardio classes please bring your own monitor with you - we do not provide this facility at present. If you are joining in any run circuits we recommend you bring a sun visor too, though this is not essential.

What Clothing do you recommend for the fitness & Pilates classes?

For all our fitness classes we recommend you wear comfortable clothing that allows the skin to breathe and dries quickly. All our fitness classes will require trainers, please ensure you bring these with you otherwise you may not be permitted to attend our fitness classes due to the risk of injury.

Pilates requires you to be barefoot and to wear a well-fitting top so the instructor can easily see that you are following the exercises correctly, legging or Lycra shorts are recommended for the lower half of the body.

What clothing do you recommend for the other activities offered on the programme?

We recommend you take a pair of rubber shoes to protect your feet; the beach is pebble and it makes it lots easier to get in and out of the water with shoes.

For the Stand-up paddle boarding, sailing, windsurfing, kayaking or aqua safaris we recommend that as well as the rubber shoes, you wear a swimsuit or bikini and have a pair of shorts you can move around easily in that you don't mind getting wet! And a t-shirt or preferably rash vest, as this will give you protection from the sun.

For the hydro-fit we recommend you wear a swimsuit or bikini that is well supported as you will be in waist high water and moving around vigorously at times!

For the walks we recommend having a small back pack to carry your water, snacks, sun-cream, mosquito repellant, towel and camera. We also recommend you have well-fitting shoes, not flip flops, a sun hat and sunglasses.

If you are going on a bike ride you will need shoes (not flip flops) and we will supply you with helmets.

What Clothing do you recommend for yoga?

For all our yoga classes we recommend you wear loose comfortable clothing and are barefoot, (bikinis or revealing clothing are not ideal for yoga). We would also recommend you bring something warm to cover you for the meditation and relaxation periods of the classes.

What levels are offered for the fitness and Pilates classes?

Pilates Beginner level classes are suitable for those who have never done Pilates before or have been away from this form of exercise for some time.

Improver level classes are for those who have a regular Pilates practice or have done a beginners course and already are familiar with the fundamentals.

Body Sculpt

Suitable for all levels; classified as a light-medium intensity class. Modifications are given for those who are new to exercise or for those that want to push their fitness increased intensity options are also given.

Swiss Ball

Suitable for all levels; classified as a light-medium intensity class.


Suitable for all levels; classified as a medium-high intensity class

Run Circuits

Suitable for those with reasonable fitness; classified as a high intensity class

Power Walks

Suitable for all levels; classified as a light-medium intensity class


Suitable for everyone - even non swimmers; classified as a light-medium intensity class

Please note however that this is only offered from late May to early September due to the pool being unheated.

The schedule looks busy, when do I get chance to eat?

We don't expect you to do everything on the schedule every day, if you did you'd need another week off to recover afterwards, and we want you to leave feeling refreshed and rejuvenated not exhausted!

The schedule has been designed for you to choose what you prefer to do each day and then structure your day around it, making sure you take time to eat well and stay hydrated along the way.

We do however recommend you do not eat anything for a minimum of 1 hour before any of the classes and avoid large meals for at least 2 hours before classes. Please bring water with you to class to stay hydrated.

If you are planning to do most classes every day we recommend you bring some high energy, easily digestible snacks with you to have between workouts.

I have some injuries; can I still participate in the classes?

Of course you can! You know your body better than anyone, just make sure you tell the instructor what injuries you have and they will work with you within the classes, offering modifications and alternatives where they can. If something changes during the week, again be sure to let the instructor know.

I’m pregnant, can I still participate?

We recommend that you contact the office before you book to discuss your options. We take pregnancy and your personal health very seriously and want to ensure that the holiday is right for you.

How does the programme operate?

The Healthy Option Programme operates primarily Monday to Friday, the classes begin with introductory classes for Pilates and yoga on Monday and then progress through the week - you are welcome to drop in and out as you like but we do recommend you attend the introductory classes to enable you to get the most from your week. The introductory classes also give you the opportunity to find the level you feel will suit you best.

Several mixed level classes are offered on Saturdays & Sundays. This enables clients who arrive on Saturdays to be included in the classes and for those leaving on Sundays to take Saturday as a day off to explore the Island or relax by the pool if they wish, or to continue being active in our classes until the moment they leave!

A sample schedule of the weekly classes and activities can be found here but please note it is subject to change for operational reasons.

What does Level 1 and Level 2 mean?

Level 1 is geared towards those who are new to either Yoga or Pilates or at a beginner level. Level 2 is generally slightly more challenging and geared towards people who have some experience in Yoga or Pilates. Whichever level you choose to go to, there will always be modifications and alternatives.

What do I wear for the Yoga, Pilates and fitness classes?

For the Yoga and Pilates classes you just need to wear something comfortable that you can move around in, nothing really loose fitting (it’s just annoying when your top goes over your head during every downward dog!), you’ll be barefoot as well. For the fitness classes you’ll need a pair of trainers and something a little more supportive top wise. It’s a good idea to wear something supportive during the Hydro-Fit classes too! You’ll also need to wear trainers for the bike rides, and we’ll supply you with a bike helmet.

What do I wear for the water activities?

Something you don’t mind getting wet! A top or t-shirt is a good option for sun protection, also a pair of swimming shorts. Water shoes are good for the beach as it’s pebbly but once you’re in the water/on a boat/on a board you won’t need them - it’s nice and sandy and shallow once you’re in!

What should I wear for my massage?

Once you get into the treatment room you’ll be asked to remove your outer clothing so make sure you wear underwear, a bikini or a pair of shorts to protect your modesty!

Flights and travel

How far is the hotel from the airport?

Your hotel and the Healthy Options centre is approximately 75 minutes from the airport. Please discuss your preferred means of transfer with your agent who can organize a taxi transfer or a hire car for the duration of your stay.

How much luggage can I take?

Airlines are getting much stricter with luggage allowances, both for hold and cabin baggage. There are also various restrictions in place due to airport security in respect of items that can be taken through security check in at airports, particularly in respect of liquids. Clients wishing to take personal equipment/sports clothing such as wetsuits etc. please note that airlines flying to Prevesa will usually charge for excess baggage above the normal baggage allowance of 20 kgs per person. Excess baggage charges are payable at check-in.

Are any Vaccinations required for Greece?

At the time of issue, no compulsory vaccinations were required for British Citizens but please check with your medical practitioner well in advance of travel for recommended inoculations.

Is a visa required?

At the time of issue holders of UK Passports or European Community Members do not require a visa to visit Greece. Please check that your passport is still in date and valid for the duration of your holiday - there should be at least 3 months validity remaining from the date of return from holiday. Although this regulation is not necessarily enforced for travellers with less than 3 months validity, the arbiters are the check in and boarding staff of the airlines (who are responsible for any passengers refused entry into the country of arrival for passport irregularities or any other reasons). On the day of travel, if the airline staff refuse check in or boarding to anyone with less than 3 months passport validity, we are advised by the airlines we use that they are within their rights to do so. In such circumstances we will not be able to make any refund for lost holiday time, nor cover any additional costs incurred for new travel arrangements and our normal cancellation terms will apply if anyone is forced to cancel their holiday. Holders of non-uk/non-eu passports should check with the Greek embassy/consulate in case a full visa is required.


What is included?

We do not provide any food or drink throughout your stay. This enables you to be completely flexible in choosing where, when and what to eat.

There are two small bar/restaurants on site where you can purchase meals at any time of the day, the Kavadias Hotel (the beach bar) and the Melas Hotel (the pool bar). Both hotels would be happy for you to run a tab which can be paid at the end of your holiday either by cash or credit card. Please note that no food or drink offered at the social functions is included in your package.

Meals & drinks.

There are three small bar/restaurants on site, which are open all day from breakfast until early evening. They will normally allow our guests to run a tab against their room number (whichever accommodation you stay in), and you can run a tab at either or both, which can be paid at the end of the holiday either in cash or by credit card. During early evenings the on site bar/restaurants offer a variety of dinner options or a short stroll into Vassiliki village offers plenty of restaurants and tavernas, cafes and bars for evening meals and social gatherings. If you have any specific dietary requirements please do let your agent know.

Are there plenty of options for vegans and vegetarians?

Absolutely! The Greek cuisine is very accommodating to vegans and vegetarians, and our hotel bars and restaurants have plenty of options, as do the nearby restaurants in the harbour. While there aren't any specialised restaurants, you should have no problems. While the local supermarkets might not be as well-stocked as you might be used to at home, they do carry, for example, plant-based alternatives for milk and yoghurt.

We have asked the restaurants of our hotels which vegan dishes they have on the menu, and we got back the following list (as per Sep 2019):

Kavadias Restaurant

  • Toast and jam
  • Fresh fruit salad
  • Fruit juices
  • Greek salad (without feta)
  • Bean salad
  • Chickpea salad
  • Shephard’s salad (minus parmesan and honey)
  • Green salad to order
  • Hummus with crudites
  • Fries
  • Florina’s sweet peppers
  • Baked potato with beans

Melas Restaurant

Default offering

  • Fruit/veg juices
  • Homemade jams
  • Vegan yoghurt
  • Plant-based milk alternatives: coconut, almond, rice, soya
  • Muesli
  • Variety of sandwiches with vegan cheese and salad/veg
  • Hummus
  • Vegetable risotto
  • Pasta with vegetables
  • Pasta napolitana
  • Nutritional yeast
  • Avocado salad
  • Greek salad (without feta)
  • Vegan club sandwich
  • Black eyed bean salad
  • Spaghetti with garlic/olive oil/ basil
  • Lentil soup/ salad
  • Bean soup/salad
  • Chickpea soup/ salad

Dishes on request

  • Caneloni (with soya)
  • Pastichio (with soya)
  • Moussaka (with soya)
  • Artichokes (with soya)
  • Vegetable burgers with oven potatoes


Is there Wi-Fi in the resort?

Yes, there is Wi-Fi in public areas and it is free of charge.

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